This love of mine

May grow into yours

But it is not of yours

It is my love

You ask of me

I ask of you

And of myself

I keep asking

Like a man exiled

I dream of a feast

To satisfy all and more

Knowing how unreal I get

I imagine, I project

I see fulfilment

Clear as night sees day

Such is the difference

A pensive thought I release

The wonder and joy of you

Let me kneel and lay

My hand to be lain by you

Moving cascading truth

Demanding my truce

No more lamentful lament

The ending of my endless day

Personal take

A common tale indeed. The love we have for another is not necessarily requited. The sureness we have about our feelings, our desire, and our very lust leads us to head into a world of plot and fantasy. We are so convinced by the magnetic hold the other has over us we feel that it will be reciprocated and all will be hunky- dory. The opening paragraph owns up to this very predicament but it does not lead to a greater realisation of things but more to an agenda of persuasion, shared vision … and then sudden realisation that it may not necessarily end as we wish. The thought, the hope can be all-consuming and the only hint of respite comes as the day itself draws near … but in full knowledge that the process will start again the moment sunrise breaks and our waking moments will again be of fantasy and despair.

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